Saturday, April 2, 2011

Here are 7 easy and simple ways for turning follow-up into sales

Here are 7 easy and simple ways for turning follow-up into sales:

  1. Create Follow-Up SystemsSelect a follow-up system for tracking your accounts that works for you. There are several systems that help you track your accounts efficiently and effectively. 
  • A personal computer. There are contact management programs designed for organizing and tracking your accounts. ACT, Goldmine, and Outlook have contact management programs.
  • A notebook. Use a single sheet Ferragamo Sunglassesin your notebook for each client and enter the dates of your calls along with notes. Keep your top 10-20 hot prospects in the front of your notebook, alphabetized by client name.
  • The old-fashion tickler system. Set up your folders numerically by dates starting with 1-31. Use a single sheet for each new prospect, and write down the name, phone numbers, address, email address, and any pertinent notes about the account. Then file it in your tickler file system by date of your next contact with them.
  • A business card file. Although the space is Roberto Cavalli Sunglasseslimited, you can write tiny notes on the card. The card file can be used before information is entered on computer.
  1. Follow-Up Sales ToolsIt's pretty standard to use the telephone and e-mail for those 5-10 follow-ups with a prospect. Begin to embrace other ways of staying visible to the prospect over a period of time.Some other tools that work are sending letters, faxes, brochures, and literature. Be creative and use testimonial letters from satisfied clients, invite them to a seminar or to lunch, send them a small item with your company name printed on it, or if appropriate, give tickets to a sports event, the theater, or a seminar.
  2. Touch Base EmailIt takes 5-10 touches to close the business, so don’t give up. Writing a “soft” touch base email is a non-pressure way of letting prospects know you’re thinking of them.Email the prospect you are thinking of them. Remind them they did express interest in your product or service. Let them now you’d be happy to meet and specify a time you’re available to talk. Let them know if they’re not ready that it’s perfectly fine with you—you’re Fendi Sunglassesthere for them when they are.
  3. Personalize Your Follow UpThere are numerous ways to personalize your follow-up contact with the prospect. You can write a hand-written note thanking them for the meeting, or inviting them to meet for coffee or lunch.A hand-written note is a personal touch the prospect will appreciate in a world that’s becoming more and more electronic.
  4. What to Say When You Follow-UpIf you’re following up by phone, write out an outline of what you want to say so you come across confident and prepared. If the prospect asked you to call them at a specific date, make sure to mention that in the message whether they answer the phone or you leave a message. If they’re not there when you call, this is more apt to make them feel obligated to call you back. If you reach them, say, “Hello Mr. Jones, this is Jane Smith of ABC Company. The reason I’m calling you today specifically is that when we last met on March 4th, you suggested I give you a call today to set up an appointment. Would next Tuesday at 3 pm work for you or would Friday at noon be better?”
  5. Develop the Habit of PersistenceThe key ingredient to effective follow-up is persistence. Persistence with the right attitude leads to more business. With persistence, obstacles and problems can't stop you, and most importantly, other people can't stop you. Your ability to follow up will determine your success in sales.
  6. Don't Get Stopped by NOYou have to be willing to do what it takes to move past the seventh "no" or "I'm not ready yet" to get the sale. A "no" is nothing personal. The prospect is saying "no" to the product, not to you. Think about the fact that when you really want something important to you, nothing stands in the way. Why not bring those same qualities to your business? How many "No's" are you willing to take before you give up the sale?


  • Make a list of prospects you’ve met with who expressed interest but haven’t bought from you yet.
  • Select one of the follow-up systems to track your prospects. Then set up a schedule of dates when you'll be following up with them and enter those dates in your system. You’re now organizing your follow-up calls.
  • Send “soft touch base” emails to these prospects. Make sure the email you write is friendly, brief, and non-pressuring.
  • Write a personal hand-written note to several prospects letting them know you enjoyed meeting them and invite them to meet for Chanel Sunglasses,coffee or tea.
  • Be organized, creative, and persistent and don't get stopped by "No." Remember it takes AT LEAST 5-10 follow-ups to close the sale!
Article Tags: Turning Follow-up Into, Turning Follow-up, Follow-up Into, 5-10 Follow-ups, Hand-written Note

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