Sunday, April 10, 2011

If you tell a child the story of Red Riding Hood

If you tell a child the story of Red Riding Hood, they will at first be horrified that the wolf ate Grandma, and then wonder why in the world Red Riding Hood didn't recognize that the wolf wasn't Grandma before she even entered the room. The story of Red Riding Hood teaches children there are bad  MBT Sawa Shoes,things and people out there, and they need to be cautious and watch out for the hidden wolf.

If you tell the same story to an adult, they will think to themselves, "Oh, what a sad story, and how terrible for Little Red!" Their attention will immediately transfer to what they will be having for dinner, MBT Changa Shoes,which child needs to be picked up next, or the bill payment they need to get in the mail before tomorrow.

Adults are bombarded with so much information they learn to filter out everything but the most urgent and important.

Back to email. If you know that the average adult will only spend a few seconds on your message, why in the world would you send them a page full of data? Since most of us access email at work, we simply do not have the leisure time to process your information!

If you want my full attention, give me snippets via email. Don't try to sell me, or send me a book. Mentally, I have too much to process. If your message takes me more than 30 seconds to read, I will probably ignore it. Instead, send me the highlights, and a link to a PDF I can print and read at my  MBT Tataga,leisure. I keep reading material with me at all times, while I am waiting for an appointment, or one of my children.

When you put together your next promotional message, keep this in mind. Thirty seconds, max. Anything more and your message will go right in the trash.

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