Sunday, April 10, 2011

How's your inbox? Stuffed and overflowing with unread mail?

How's your inbox? Stuffed and overflowing with unread mail?

If you are like me, you probably receive at least five to ten valuable newsletters daily. Most of these are great, and full of useful information.

But, I just can't read them all. If I read all the "useful" information I received from newsletters each day, I would spend at  MBT Tembea, least half of each day reading!

If I'm reading, I'm not doing.

Doing creates profit for my business. I simply cannot afford to spend half my productive time reading all the wonderful information you send me!

I think the concept of the newsletter has gotten out of hand.

If it takes me more than 30 seconds to read your MBT Sini,message, you are wasting my time.

When I send you a newsletter, you will never get the whole issue via email. I will send you a list of the titles of the relevant articles, and a link to the PDF for you to print and peruse at your leisure. I want you to read my newsletter when you are relaxing in your easy chair after work, or spending a few quiet minutes with your morning cup of coffee.

I heard something interesting the other day about the difference between how children and adults listen. When you tell a child a story, they will give you 100% of their attention. That's why fairy tales are so useful in teaching values to children. Instead of telling them what to do (which all of us hate), you tell them about actions and consequences. Children listen to stories, and MBT Ema Sandals,then go out and play. They have the leisure time to process the information behind the story.

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