Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Customer loyalty is critical for long term business success

Customer loyalty is critical for long term business success in more ways than one. On the one hand happy customers buy more, but just as importantly happy customers also recommend your business to more people. I did an experiment with my own business where I sent every new customer a chocolate Nike Shox Dreams gift basket two days after they bought from me with a note saying thank you for purchasing from Tyvar Marketing, we hope you enjoy our service. This was a completely unexpected gift as I had not mentioned it once throughout the sales process. At the time I was testing to see if a surprise gift would reduce my refund rate (which it did, my refunds dropped from 10% to zero), but the most interesting outcome which I hadn't predicted was that I started receiving a large number of referrals from these customers. My referrals for the months I ran this promotion were more than ten times what they were normally.

At the time I was selling a high priced product so I could afford to spend $80 on a gift basket but there are a lot of businesses out there with lower margins, so I've written this article to show you how you can give your customers valuable gifts that bring a smile to their face and ultimately Nike Shox R4,sees them buying, more and referring your business to more people for virtually zero outlay.

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