Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Moreover, automation helps in testing

Moreover, automation helps in testing a complex test matrix. While manual tests must be run sequentially, you can run automated tests simultaneously on different machines.On the downside, automated tests will cost you more compared to MBT Karani running manual tests. In addition, configuring or writing the automate framework you use or writing test cases will cost you more initially compared to running manual tests. Another major drawback of automation is that you visual references cannot be automated. For instance, if you cannot distinguish the font color through the automation tool or code, then you should run the test manually.

You may also want to consider other deciding factors. First, automation is dependent on the tools you are using. If those tools have any pitfalls, then it is better for you to run the test manually. You also need to have an idea whether the ROI (return on investment) is worth automating. You must also make sure that what you get in the end with automation is worth the money spent in putting into place and supporting the automation framework, the test cases, and the MBT Tembea Shoes systems that run the tests.You must ask yourself the following question to decide whether running automated tests is appropriate for your case: Is the test case automatable? If it is automatable and costs a little, then you should go for automation. If it is automatable but will cost a lot, then you must think twice if automation is worth the investment.But what if the test case is not automatable? Then you need to reevaluate – will you run the test often?

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