Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Then, observe what else they do during the work

Then, observe what else they do during the work and personal day. You'll find they have problems with other products and services that you can solve at little or no cost.

If you had visited a conventional book store, you would have seen people camped out on the floor leaning against bookcases reading books to find the right one while they sipped take-out coffee they had cheap designer sunglasses bought someplace else. When their cramped bodies couldn't take it any more or they found the right book, they left.

In many cases, the sore body was the limitation to selling more books. You don't have to sell very many more books in a year to pay for a chair and the space it rests on. If the customers could get their take-out coffee from you, you saved them the time to go to a take-out coffee outlet, and increased the time they had to shop for and read books.

Second, go out and live these people's lives and walk in these people's shoes. Attempt to do what they do in the best ways you can think of. Then, imagine how you could change what you are then doing to make life simpler, easier, and better for them.

Third, do role playing. Pretend for several hours that you are a specific person who doesn't buy from your company, or Miu Miu Sunglasses,even your customer's customer. Once you have totally immersed yourself in that mind-set, think about why you don't want to do business with your real company.

Then imagine what it would take to get your attention and keep it so that you would try a different offering. While in this potential customer role-playing mode, also ask yourself what would keep your business if your current supplier responded.

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