Saturday, April 2, 2011

One of the fastest ways to attract clients is to become known

One of the fastest ways to attract clients is to become known as the expert by speaking to groups. Yet, most people would rather be pushed from an airplane than get up in front of a group and speak. Burberry Sunglasses,No one was ever born a natural speaker. When you watch dynamic speakers, it may seem as if they deliver their speech effortlessly. The ease with which they deliver their speech is the result of many hours of preparing and rehearsing.

I recently spoke and lead two workshops at the International Window Coverings Expo. I loved speaking to the business owners, sharing my sales and marketing strategies to help them grow their businesses. Believe me; it wasn’t always this way for me. It wasn’t too long ago that the thought of getting up Ray Ban Sunglasses,in front of a group paralyzed me. I laid awake many nights worried about how I’d come across. What would they think of me? What if they’re not interested in what I have to say? What if I forget what to say? After years of practice, preparation, and training, my confidence increased and I became an effective speaker.

Let’s take a look at the world of speaking and what the benefits are to you.

  • When you become a speaker, you immediately elevate yourself in the eyes of the audience. They see you as the expert and this establishes instant credibility.
  • You’re reaching more than one person and that increases the chances of more people interested in your service or product.
  • Your confidence increases. As your speaking improves, the most powerful benefit is the improvement in your general confidence and self-image.
  • Research shows that in selling, a speech Gucci Sunglasses,  demonstrating your services is 50% more effective than the most glowing testimonial. You’re showing the audience first hand how you think and work.
  • When you’re speaking, the audience has come to you rather than you having to find them.

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