Sunday, April 3, 2011

Here are three quick tips to help get you started

Here are three quick tips to help get you started:

Small Business Marketing Tip #1: Express Your Opinion (and often!)What's happening in your client's world about which you have strong feelings? Talk about it! Don't be afraid of creating a little controversy. In my Gucci Sunglasses,experience, when you voice a strong opinion others feel as if you're representing them. Speak passionately, not passively. Not everyone will agree with your views but they will remember you!

Small Business Marketing Tip #2: Rub Shoulders with Other CelebritiesRemember, "birds of a feather, flock together". Look for opportunities to be photographed at prestige events or standing next to recognized faces. Don't wait for your once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet Brad Pitt or Oprah to be photographed Burberry Sunglasses with the glitterati. Hey, even the weather gal on your local news counts as a celebrity! 

Is this considered phony or cheesy? Not at all. Our culture is fascinated with the rich and famous. These people have a mystique to them. They seem to live a charmed, magical life. One snapshot of you standing next to a celeb automatically infuses you with a bit of that fantasy-world mystique that suddenly ups your "Wow!" factor.

That bit of star power can quickly translate into higher open rates for your newsletter, more seats sold at your next event and new clients standing in line to work with you.

Small Business Marketing Tip #3: Cultivate AuthorityAre you quoted in your industry magazines? Do you deliver keynote speeches at important events? Do you publish an ezine, articles, books, CDs or other information products? If so, then yes, you ARE an authority!

I recommend making sure that each month you take two or three actions that result in getting interviewed, quoted or seen as an authority by the public. All you need to do is send out press releases, call other experts in your field to swap interviews, send a tip or a quote to a magazine journalist or send an article idea to your industry trade journal. Then, each month, "rinse and repeat!"

Cultivating mini-celebrity status doesn't mean you must have a super-sized ego. It's simply a smart business decision to make and use for taking action. Look in your heart and tell yourself this: "The more I show up as a Ray Ban Sunglasses,recognized leader, the more I am fulfilling my Soul's Divine Purpose? in my business!"

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