Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The second part of the National Journal blog entry is true

The second part of the National Journal blog entry is true:

Undaunted, Paul-ites soon moved to another target: outspoken Michigan Republican Party chairman Saul

Anuzis, who publicly called for Paul to be banned from further debates. The Michigan Republican Party

has been deluged with incoming missives, some inviting Anuzis to go become the Republican party chair

of Cuba. They’re even calling his home. Anuzis won’t give him and still plans to circulate a


I guess that second part makes Ron Paul look good compared to the GOP, so they had to make up the first


Ron Paul is everywhere €” Here he is on CNN, with Wolf Blitzer, who can always be counted on to give

out the €œconventional wisdom€ €” and is put to rights by Ron. Blitzer blithers €œHe [Giuliani]

really had some supporters in that auditorium. Are you ready to back away now?€ Ron€™s answer (I€™m

paraphrasing): NO way, says Ron: I found two passages in the 9/11 commission report that back up what I

say. Blitzer: That [the bombing of MBT SPORT by Clinton] was the reason they came over and blew us up?

No, I said that was part of it. There€™s also the presence of US troops on Saudi Arabian soil, which

Muslims consider sacred soil. Here he is, mayor of New York, bragging about the security, and he hasn€

™t even read the 9/11 report. Blitzer presses him on that point, and Ron says that he couldn€™t say

everyting in a sound bit. Talks about the sanctions, hundreds of thousands killed: what if someone did

that to us? And then the important part:

€œHe€™s hiding behind €œpatriotism€ and saying I€™m €˜un-American€™ if I dare to question the policy.

But if policy is detrimental and provokes blowback then we have to change it. I don€™t blame the

American people, I blame bad policy€ I think he [Giuliani] needs to back down and read the report, and

come back and apologize to me.

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