Thursday, March 31, 2011

For the players, Miami is a “girlfriend city”

I was gone yesterday afternoon so I wasn’t following the blow-by-blow of the Bonds trial. By missing it, though,Nike Shox Torch I missed a doozy. In case you missed it too, know this: to players on road trips, there are “wife cities” and there are “girlfriend cities.” This came up during Kimberly Bell’s testimony, in which she said that Bonds told her about the idea. Bonds would know too, seeing as though he dated Bell through parts of two separate marriages.

During her cross examination, Bell said that Miami was a “girlfriend city.”, so she’d rendezvous with Barry there and other girlfriend cities. Quite the concept. Maybe it explains why the Braves always seem to play so flat against the Marlins on the road! I’d love to Nike Shox Shoes, have a list of all major league cities and have them rated for wife or girlfriend-friendliness.

And in case you think I’d use such information for player-stalking purposes, I should say that I’m more interested in the criteria for categorization than anything else. Based on Miami being for the girlfriends I’d assume that a hot night life is important for that, but there has to be more to it. Like, which way does good shopping cut? And does the entire breakdown of the cities give us any idea as to whether cheating players have more contempt for the wives they Nike Cortez, betray or their girlfriends they use? Put differently, who gets stuck with Cincinnati?

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