Thursday, March 24, 2011

But, of course, some people will never be happy

But, of course, some people will never be happy, no matter what. Like Giblets:
Giblets is angry! Giblets is outraged at the firing at George Tenet! Personal reasons, Giblets’s magnificent

ass! And Giblets and his ass are apalled at the firing of George Tenet – an indeed strong and superb and

resolute and kind-of-servant-you-like-to-work-with Director of Central Intelligence! More importantly, he was

OUR Director of Central Intelligence, the SAME Director of Central Intelligence, and by changing leaders now we

have sent our country’s leadership into unsteady waters.
What this country needs is steady leadership in times of change. Not intelligent leadership, not correct

leadership, but steady leadership. Steadiness. Resolve. The resolve to keep doing what you are already doing,

even if it is hopelessly boneheaded and wrong. In the face of such resolve, the terrorists will be cowed,

fleeing into their terrorist hidey-holes, terrified by the tenacity of an opponent so fiercely determined to

keep losing to them in the exact same way.

But if we fire incompetant officials, we are not using steady leadership. We are attempting to “correct” our

leadership. We are not staying the course. We are suggesting that there is some better course. Well Giblets for

one is quite happy with this course! He knows it quite well and if it happens to veer into that ravine, he will

be the first to inform you that his course is getting us to the bottom of the ravine swifter and surer than any

other course out there! What’s your problem? Are you a ravine-hater? Are you objectively anti-ravine?

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