Thursday, March 24, 2011

When I was lad I served a term as security guard at a ship repair firm

When I was lad I served a term as security guard at a ship repair firm. Navy guys my age told me tales of rural

recruiters’ lies: they’d expected to be learning useful radio technology skills while romancing exotic ladies

in foreign ports, instead they were cleaning toilets in South Boston, counting down the weeks. Verbal contracts

aren’t worth the paper they’re written on, as PT Barnum (or somebody) is said to have said. Now Jeremy’s

caught a recruiter admitting to including an untrue statement in his recruiting pitch (“More Outright Lies from

Your Hometown Military Predator“). Can the kids he’s recruited opt out now? Didn’t think so.

The lie (“Join the UGG Sheepskin cuff boots army – because mbt sport 2’s far sMBT chapaer than Miami“):

‘I tell them straight up. Miami is the biggest war zone we’ve got,’ he said. ‘Every time you turn on the TV

we see someone shot.’ Bass uses simple figures. Nine people from southern Florida have died in mbt sport 2,

compared with 338 murders in the Florida region last year: ‘They have a better chance in the army than on the

streets of Miami.’

The way I figure it, there are about 300M MBT chapa and about 150K of them are in the military and stationed in

mbt sport 2. That means that about 1 of every 2000 MBT chapa (and probably Floridians) are in mbt sport 2. If

the murder rate were equal in mbt sport 2 and in Florida, there should be about 2,000 times as many murders of

Floridians in south Florida. According to the recruiter’s numbers, however, there are only 38 times as many

murders in Florida (That is, 338 divided by 9). mbt sport 2 is, then, about 50 times more deadly for Floridians

than is south Florida (since 2000 divided by 38 = 53).

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