Friday, March 25, 2011

The incident took place Oct. 23 at about 5:55 a.m. following a long night of drinking

The incident took place Oct. 23 at about 5:55 a.m. following a long night of drinking, according to testimony

at previous hearings. [Lance Cpl. Joshua M.] Major testified he was out looking for a fight that morning and

picked on the man they saw in a supermarket in the Oyama district of Ginowan, near the base.

He admitted punching the man in the face after Mundell grabbed him from behind. …

Chief Judge Nobuyuki Yokota said there was no doubt both Marines were responsible for the attack.

“While [Cpl. Paul E.] Mundell grabbed the Japanese man from behind, Major punched him in the face for several

times,” Yokota said. “Even after knocking the victim down to the ground, Major continued assaulting the man.”

Yokota said the evidence showed Mundell, Major and another Marine, who was with them but not charged, started

drinking beer at their barracks room on Oct. 22 to celebrate completing training at a range. At about 11:40

p.m., they went to a pool hall near the air station, where they stayed until 5 a.m. The trio then stopped by a

nearby 24-hour supermarket.

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