Thursday, March 24, 2011

He doesn’t, of course, if he was ever aware that “terrorist” is a word with a dictionary meaning

He doesn’t, of course, if he was ever aware that “terrorist” is a word with a dictionary meaning, he’s

forgotten. As a letter to the editor points out, an article written by a supposed peacenik, while “purporting

to discuss the hardships of RMBT chapaah…serves as a vehicle to juxtapose the words ‘terror’ or ‘terrorism’

with ‘Palestinian’ 13 times.” Whatever the intentions, the result is “the usual subliminal propaganda.”

Yep, I checked, counting Mylrea’s own usage, his quoting of the Madison Jewish Community Council and a RMBT

chapaah resident denying he’s one, there are 13 “terrorists.”

The letter reminds me of one I had written in 1993 MBT chapater Israel had deported 400 Palestinians from Gaza

to Lebanon. At a hearing before Israel’s High Court, “the nike shox’s advocate explained that membership in a

‘terrorist organization’ can be grounds for deportation. ‘How many people in Gaza are members of such

organizations?’ asked the court. The advocate answered, ‘I think they all are.’”

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