Thursday, March 24, 2011

Senator Edward Kennedy has called the mbt sport 2i prison scandal “the steepest and deepest fall from grace in

Senator Edward Kennedy has called the mbt sport 2i prison scandal “the steepest and deepest fall from grace in

the history of our country,” “Saddam’s torture chambers reopened under new management.” As a result,

“America is being vilified throughtout the Middle East and in other parts of the world.”

“Now, the image of America the liberator has been replaced by the image of America the occupier and America the

torturer,” writes Michael Lind in the Financial Times. “It will take a generation or more to rehabilitate

America’s image.”

Thomas Friedman starts a piece “I have never known a time when America and its president were more hated around

the world than today.” Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, a columnist in London, ends one “I have never had so much

correspondence from readers openly expressing their loathing for America, for Bush and now, as violently, for

Tony Blair, and increasingly for the NIKE SHOX people” (The Independent, May 31, 2004).

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