Sunday, March 27, 2011

Is this the "human interest prose"

Is this the "human interest prose" – the "sentimental" reductionism – Gancarski is inveighing against? I don’

t see it. Moore is merely praising the insurgent spirit that motivated the Deaniacs – and nowhere does

Gancarski even attempt a critique. Instead, he turns to smearing:

"I’m sure Lyndon LaRouche will be giving Dean a call to thank him for the nudge. I bring up LaRouche purposely;

he likely could sue Dean forcopyright infringement. The reductionist, slashing character assassinations of

political opponents comes straight from the perennial candidate’s playbook, as does the Messianic self-

indulgence. And I’m hard pressed to think of significant differences, leading me to wonder if Howard Dean is

just warmed-over LaRouche with a bankroll. Time will tell, I reckon, whether Moore is a hackish flack or the

real thing after all. My take? If it quacks like a flack, stay the hell back — if Moore goes down, he’ll take

his ‘friends’ with him."

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