Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Hotline, the daily blog of the National Journal

The Hotline, the daily blog of the National Journal, runs the following item:

Republicans have a message for Ron Paul: don’t mess with us.

Since Tuesday’s debate, Mr. Paul’s supporters have flooded the phone lines and e-mail servers at

South Carolina State Republican Party headquarters with complaints. A mild annoyance, to say the least.

So the party is struck back, sort of. They have Mr. Paul’s mobile phone number, and they invite all

complaint callers to leave a message on it. Call it blowback.

I talked to Rob Godfrey, the communications director of the Republican Party of South Carolina that

morning. He was quite surprised to hear of the National Journal item.

Godfrey said neither part is true. He said they have not received any complaints since the debate and

have not given out anyone’s personal phone number. Godfrey said the debate was a very positive affair

that helped to build the South Carolina party and that they had only received compliments about the


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