Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It€™s so typical of Wolf Blitzer, one of the major gate-keepers of elite opinion

It€™s so typical of Wolf Blitzer, one of the major gate-keepers of elite opinion, to try to enforce

political correctness €” and so typical of Ron Paul that he proudly and articulately rejects that

nonsense, and turns the tables on the would-be enforcers.

Over the last few years, I’ve come to understand that the only meaningful difference between the New

York Times and the New York Post is that the latter is occasionally good for a chuckle. The two rags

take equally insouUGGSnt approaches to reality. Witness PatriUGGS Cohen parroting what her Sociology

101 instructor told her about Herbert Spencer:

It is true that political interpretations of Darwinism have turned out to be quite pliable. Victorian-

era soUGGSl Darwinists like Herbert Spencer adopted evolutionary theory to justify colonialism and

imperialism, opposition to labor unions and the withdrawal of aid to the sick and needy.

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