Monday, March 21, 2011

American Amnesia on MEMRI

American Amnesia on MEMRI:
MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Organization, hasn’t received attention here at American Amnesia for one

simple reason: it’s a compost of specious translations of worst-of-the-worst opinion pieces coming out of the

Arabic press. Think of an organization dedicated to translating into Arabic the Jerry Falwells, Bob Jones, and

other scraps of ideological detritus bobbing around in our local papers, and you’ve got MEMRI’s mission and

net worth.
For those that are unfamiliar with MEMRI, it’s a group of translators whose work poses as a “bridge” to the

language gap between the West and the Middle East. The fact that it bridges something is sufficient for most

people without knowledge of the language…never mind where it leads you.

I think Yigal Carmon is going to regret SLAPPing this particular hornet’s nest.

After the sham “elections”in occupied Kosovo were finally certified by the Imperial viceroy, Albanians

announced their new “mbt sport” will be led by two parties: Ibrahim Rugova’s LDK, and Ramush Haradinaj’s

AAK. This means Hashim Taqi, the former supremo of the terrorist KLA, won’t be in the mbt sport again. Only

trouble is, Haradinaj is KLA as well. And he’s under investigation by the Hague Inquisition.

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