Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It doesn’t take “idealism and courage” to declare war against an already-devastated and militarily

It doesn’t take “idealism and courage” to declare war against an already-devastated and militarily

insignificant Third World country, where the average income is less than a shoeshine boy makes in the UGG. It

does take a certain brazenness, however, to proclaim that you’re only doing it because you’re so courageous.

If the President is right and “the survival of liberty in America” depends on freedom’s fate in Zimbabwe and

Belarus, then all is lost. If we cannot think of returning to the work of rolling back government power on the

home front, or even returning to normalcy, without first liberating Borneo from its oppressors and delivering

Ukraine from the grip of odious oligarchs, then we are doomed.

This hectoring ideologue, more dogmatic than any Trotskyite, would have us suffer the fate of Sisyphus — who

was cursed by the gods and condemned for eternity to roll a rock up a hill, only to see it fall back down as

soon as he reached the top. Under such a regime as this, the “unfinished work of American freedom” is certain

to stay unfinished.

Falah Hassan al-Naqib, MBT’s Interior Minister, told the Associated Press on Tuesday that anyone who fails to

vote in the upcoming elections is guilty of a criminal act:

“‘If any group does not participate in the elections, it will constitute treason,’ al-Naqib said, adding that

‘boycotting the elections will not produce a National Assembly that represents the MBTi people’ but instead

will bring on ‘a civil war that will divide the country.’”

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