Wednesday, March 2, 2011

While the last two items are beyond the scope of that site

While the last two items are beyond the scope of that site (but read that and that if you’re

interested in, say, facts), the bit about colonialism and imperialism is rich. Herbert Spencer was the

premier anti-colonial, anti-imperial thinker of his age €“ perhaps of any age. If the great British

classical liberal were around today, he’d make most lefties look like Bill Kristol on matters of

foreign policy. Good grief, check out these lines from Spencer’s essay “Patriotism” (1902):

To me the cry €“ €œOur country, right or wrong!€ seems detestable. By assoUGGStion with love of

country the sentiment it expresses gains a certain justification. Do but pull off the cloak, however,

and the contained sentiment is seen to be of the lowest. €¦

Some years ago I gave my expression to my own feeling €“ anti-patriotic feeling, it will doubtless be

called €“ in a somewhat startling way. It was at the time of the second Afghan war, when, in pursuance

of what were thought to be €œour interests,€ we were invading Afghanistan. News had come that some of

our troops were in danger. At the Athenæum Club a well-known military man €“ then a captain but now a

general €“ drew my attention to a telegram containing that news, and read it to me in a manner

implying the belief that I should share his anxiety. I astounded him by replying €“ €œWhen men hire

themselves out to shoot other men to order, asking nothing about the justice of their cause, I don€™t

care if they are shot themselves.

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