Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The War Party may have decided that the time is now for pushing the nuke program lie and striking while

The War Party may have decided that the time is now for pushing the nuke program lie and striking while

the getting’s good.

This article by Professor Petrov lays it all out.

Why is it so hard to understand that the threat to the dollar is the 2.5 Trillion dollar budget every

year- much of it new money created out of nothing? They bankrupt America with incredible rates of

spending on wars to maintain dollar dominance and create the problem in the process.

Israel, oil companies, the military-industrial complex, crazy born again war-for-God types – in the

end, it’s really all about the state isn’t it?

Thomas Woods, over at the LRC Blog has put out a call for great antiwar speeches in American history,

so here’s a good one I remember reading in the New American.

In an article called “Minding Our Own Business,” Steve Bonta quotes a speech given in 1898 by

Representative Richard P. Bland, a Democrat from Missouri, during the congressional fight over the

annexation of Hawaii. Bland said that those promoting the American empire,

“boldly assert on this floor that Hawaii is necessary to us in our new policy. This new policy is

defined as being the permanent occupation of the Philippine Islands, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and whatever

other territory we may conquer during this war, and more still, they tell us that we must make

alliances with England and Japan to the end that we may participate in carving up and parceling out the

Chinese Empire…. Such a policy as this is intended and is urged by its promoters for the purpose of

building up in this country a centralized power of wealth with big standing armies and navies to

protect this plutocratic control…. You are on the road to imperialism, with a large Navy and standing

armies and oppressive taxation and adopting a military government instead of republican institutions

and constitutional liberty.”

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