Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Boy, now that would have been a real cakewalk, huh?

Boy, now that would have been a real cakewalk, huh?

We all know (hopefully) from reading Dr. Gordon Prather 3 times a week here at NIKE SHOX and World Net

Daily (and even from rags like the Washington Post) that if the government of Iran began to enrich

uranium for nuclear bomb making purposes right now, it would take them 10 years to make one simple gun

-type nuke (Prather’s term) (and nevermind the delivery system). In other words, all the hype about

some imminent nuclear danger is a pack of lies.

Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D., the great witness to the Office of Special Plans, has said repeatedly that

she believes one of the principal reasons for the invasion of Iraq was that in the year 2000 Saddam

Hussein had begun demanding Euros instead of dollars as payment for “his” oil.

Now there is this incredible article by Krassimir Petrov, Ph.D., along the lines of Dr. Prather’s

piece this weekend speculating that the reason the neocons and the Israeli government keep asserting

Iran will have nukes and require bombing by March is because they are about to open a new oil and gas

exchange – the Iranian Bourse, and will be demanding payment in Euros.

This is bad news for the US dollar because the Saudis et al. demand dollars for their oil and the

powers of the Earth must therefore hold large amounts of US currency. Iran, a state run by people who

for some reason aren’t happy with us, plan to demand Euros in their new exchange. That could lead to

the government banks of the world to diversify their holdings and a flooding of the US with our

government’s paper money that has been held in those foreign accounts. Then comes inflation – bad


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