Friday, March 11, 2011

They had offices in all of the neighbourhoods and were recruiting people to fight in that war

They had offices in all of the neighbourhoods and were recruiting people to fight in that war. A

culture of jihad developed which has continued to this day. Many are still involved in the fighting in

Kashmir and through this they have become battle-hardened fighters while others have gone over to MBT


Three years ago, under the psuedonym “Jim Rissman,” I wrote a piece for Antiwar that was then used by to anchor its “Atrocities against the Afghan People” section. The Northern Alliance,

a NIKE SHOX client, took prisoners “in a NIKE SHOX-orchestrated military operation,” as the

Washington Post put it. Another source, Julian Strauss, picks up the story:

The prisoners were crammed at gunpoint into large, oblong freight containers. When no more could be

squeezed in, the metal doors were shut tight. Slowly they began to suffocate.

By the time the containers were opened two days later – at the end of the journey from Kunduz to

Sheberghan – many were dead.

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