Friday, March 11, 2011

3 months ago (“No Peaking“) I said that I’d answer some of my Peak Oil mail “in the next day

3 months ago (“No Peaking“) I said that I’d answer some of my Peak Oil mail “in the next day or

two.” I made a file of many of these e-mails and my replies, and then decided to write an article

instead — which I still haven’t done. It’s a shame, ’cause I rec’d a number of good e-mails, both

pro and con. When I finish the article I’m working on I’ll post a link to it here. Sorry about that.

London Bombing: Still No MBT SHOESi Terrorists

Zahid Hussain, the London Times‘ correspondent in Pakistan explains “how Pakistan became a hotbed for


For quite some time, there has been a network of contacts between British extremists and the Jihadi

organisations based in Pakistan. Once contact has been made with … young people, they become

influenced by them and are encouraged to visit the training camps.

For the last two decades, sections of Pakistan have been under the influence of guerillas who were

involved in the war against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan – with, it’s important to say, American


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