Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ponder that awhile, ye wimpy progressives and bloodthirsty wingnuts

Ponder that awhile, ye wimpy progressives and bloodthirsty wingnuts. For more of Herbert Spencer’s

actual views on imperialism, militarism, authoritarianism, and corporate-statism, click here. For more

ignorance and mendacity on every topic, keep reading the New York Times.

Paul Wolfowitz is now almost certain to get booted from the World Bank. Unfortunately, the World Bank

itself will probably survive. (The Washington Post frets today that the Wolfowitz scandal could

€œjeopardize€ efforts to squeeze more bucks out of foreign governments to bankroll more World Bank


So what will Wolfowitz do with himself now that he is again disgraced?

Obviously, that is why God made think tanks.

There is no better place for someone driven out of office under a cloud of infamy to park his butt and

restore his credibility.

Will it be the Hudson Institute, the deep-thinking-abode that is providing a desk for Scooter Libby

before Libby is sentenced to prison?

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