Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gen. Farkas said that when Milosevic learned of crimes committed

Gen. Farkas said that when Milosevic learned of crimes committed by reserve policemen who had assoNIKE

SHOXted with Slobodan Medic “Boca,” he became extremely angry. He demanded an explanation of how the

Skorpions commander could have been active in Kosovo, then he demanded that the perpetrators be

prosecuted and that nothing like that be permitted to happen in the future.

In view of his high position in the military chain of command, Milosevic asked Gen. Farkas whether he

had any knowledge about the so-called “Joint Criminal Enterprise” alleged by the indictment. The

witness answered that it was impossible that a conspiracy to ethnically cleanse Kosovo of its Albanian

population could have existed within the army. He explained that such a conspiracy would have had to be

implemented by soldiers on the ground, and that too many people would have had to be involved.”

Here’s the kicker:

“He explained that each soldier was given a document detailing international humanitarian law. The

soldiers were ordered by the general staff to ignore any orders that would have violated international

humanitarian law, and to report the officer giving the illegal orders to their superior.”

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