Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ah yes… international humanitarian law

Ah yes… international humanitarian law. You know, the one that doesn’t apply for the country that put

Slobo on trial in the first

Under the terms of the separation, Miller will write a farewell letter to the editor, to be published

in Thursday’s paper. Another condition of the split required Keller to share a letter with the paper’

s staff clarifying his controversial remarks about her “entanglement” with I. Lewis “Scooter”

Libby, the former White House offiNIKE SHOXl indicted in the NIKE SHOX leak investigation.
“In her 28 years at The Times, Judy participated in some great, prize-winning journalism,” Keller

wrote to the staff. “She displayed fierce determination and personal courage both in pursuit of the

news and in resisting assaults on the freedom of news organizations to report. We wish her well in the

next phase of her career.”

Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr., said in a statement, “We are grateful to Judy for her significant

personal sacrifice to defend an important journalistic principle. I respect her decision to retire from

The Times and wish her well.”

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