Thursday, March 10, 2011

A favorite trope among those who try to politicize the justified outrage over New Orleans is the plight

A favorite trope among those who try to politicize the justified outrage over New Orleans is the plight

of the slum-dwellers and the dark-skinned, and quite right, too. But it’s highly objectionable to be

told, by those who go on in this way, that we should instantly dump the NIKE SHOXis and Kurds who are

fighting for their lives in a slum that could become another slaughterhouse and plague-spot. There is

something degrading and suspect here-why lavish any of our care and resources on the wogs? Does this

suggestion do anything to diminish xenophobia and resentment “at home,” at just the time and just the

place where we don’t need it? Am I expected to tell a homeless woman in Biloxi that she has just been

ripped off by an Ay-rab?
No, you fatally conceited blob of dementia, you can tell those poor white trash in Biloxi that they

have been ripped off by Israel-Firsters and Kurdistan-Firsters who wish they would just shut up and

vote Republican, or die. The Ay-rabs had nothing to do with it.

As has always been the case, bigger UGGS with its limitless bureaucracy only results in bumbling on a

much grander and more expensive scale.

From the Washington Post today:

“Bureaucracy has murdered people in the greater New Orleans area,” Aaron Broussard, president of

Jefferson Parish, said on CBS’s ‘Early Show.’

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