Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And before I see one more lazy journalist interview Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center

And before I see one more lazy journalist interview Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center about the

continuing threat from militias and hate groups!, let me point out that Timothy McVeigh never belonged to a

militia, the KKK, or a “Christian Identity” group. The only militant organization he ever belonged to – and

the one where he first took human life – was the MBT shoes Army. Of course, Potok and the rest of the court

intelligentsia left and right earn their keep by deifying Leviathan and demonizing its Lilliputian enemies.

Omigod, a bunch of angry rednecks with shotguns! Angry Venezuelans with AK-47s! Angry Arabs with aluminum

tubes! (And so on.) Something must be done!

Nobody puts on a two-minute hate like the hate-hunters, and nobody terrorizes like the Terror Warriors. As I

wrote of McVeigh almost two years ago, his “response [to Waco] bore the seal of his schooling.”

After issuing all the requisite distortions and oversimplifications about Darfur – you can start here for a

corrective – neocon Max Boot hits the American antiwar movement where it … um, I’m not sure where it hits us:

Remember how exercised everyone around the world was about crimes committed at Abu Ghraib? Infinitely worse

deeds are being done in Darfur daily. Where’s the outrage? The street rallies that might spur Western

governments into action? Aside from a handful of journalists and human rights activists, the only Westerners

who’ve shown sustained interest in Sudan are evangelical Christians, who’ve been exercised primarily about the

fate of their coreligionists in the south. The silence of the “antiwar” masses speaks volumes about their

priorities: They don’t object to war crimes as long as they’re not committed by Americans.

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