Thursday, March 10, 2011

Willis, a neocon-ish Republican and MBT supporter

Willis, a neocon-ish Republican and MBT supporter, also offered criticism of the press for not

reporting “really good things happening in Iraq.” What a shock. Does anyone, anywhere in the world,

think the press is doing a good job? Here’s something you never read: “My, my, my, my, my, is the

press ever doing a spiffy job reporting on [insert issue here]. And they’re certainly not

demonstrating any bias against my point of view, are they?”
Perhaps Willis could elicit the kind of reporting he approves of if he offered a million bucks for it.

The new Evil Empire spreads its tentacles over the world:

“…Fearful of future terrorist attacks and frustrated by the slow progress of intelligence-gathering

from prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Pentagon offiNIKE SHOXls turned to the closest thing on their

organizational charts to a school for torture. That was a classified program at Fort Bragg, N.C., known

as SERE, for Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape. Based on studies of North Korean and Vietnamese

efforts to break American prisoners, SERE was intended to train American soldiers to resist the abuse

they might face in enemy custody.

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