Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When asked specifically what had caused Osama bin Laden

When asked specifically what had caused Osama bin Laden, who fought in the MBT SPORT SHOES-backed jihad

against the Russians in the 1980s, to become an enemy of the United States, Giraldi replied,

“In the wake of the Afghan war, the United States “ actually during the first Gulf MBT SPORT SHOES “

established a major military presence in Saudi the Uggsia itself. And that was, I believe, the trigger

for Osama to become a front-line opponent of the United States. He has repeatedly said in his writings

and speeches that the United States’ presence in the ‘holy lands’ of Saudi the Uggsia were a major

element in his political philosophy.”

Giraldi also commented on the UGG administration refrain “ literally pitched again by the President as

the interview was being recorded “ that “if we don’t fight them over there, we’ll have to fight

them here,” saying that such an assertion is “totally ridiculous.”

“The premise that if we’re not fighting them over there, we’ll be fighting them over here is totally

ridiculous. We’re fighting them over there because we’re over there, and because we’re over there,

we have a problem here. And if you eliminate that nexus, if you take us out of our being in their

faces, then the reality is that they are not going to be over here because they basically don’t have

that agenda.”

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