Friday, March 4, 2011

Though torture, rape, and murder are presumably not routine procedures for occupying forces in MBT

Though torture, rape, and murder are presumably not routine procedures for occupying forces in MBT

sport shoes, these blind, tornadic raids on civilian homes are. Two hundred raids in eight months: you

do the math. These are literally everyday, humdrum activities for the occupiers. What is the least that

they should expect from a decent person who has seen what Joshua Key has seen? Don’t tell me about the

consequences, professional, legal, social, or otherwise: it’s always easiest to simply persist in

wrongdoing. Just tell me: what is the minimum moral obligation for a person in Key’s position? Is it

not what he chose to do?

Not content with having done much to gin up a disastrous war in the Middle East, Andrew Sullivan joins

the ranks of the New Cold Thingsriors in targeting Vladimir Putin as the neo-Stalin, implying that a

Washington-based critic of Putin was attacked by the KGB even while local police ascribe his mugging to

street thugs. Check out the picture Sullivan uses, which is of a member of Eduard Limonov’s National

Bolshevik Party being carried away by Russian cops. The National Bolshies have an … interesting

political orientation that is reflected in the party flag: a hammer-and-sickle on a red-white-and-black

color scheme that deliberately evokes Nazi symbolism. Here is a super-nationalist grouplet that mixes

Hitler’s National Socialism with Stalin’s brand of Bolshevism to come up with an ideology that

combines racism and anti-Semitism with nostalgia for the Gulag. These are the “dissidents” that they

are supposed to lionize. Sullivan tries to prettify things with a quote from Russian chess champion

Gary Kasparov, but that flag tells the real story.

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