Thursday, March 10, 2011

Someday some researcher will do a statistical survey of Western media coverage

Someday some researcher will do a statistical survey of Western media coverage of the Milosevic trial

in the Hague. I have a feeling it would prove that the mass media is only interested in covering the

trial when:

a.) the prosecution directs the rhetoric; b.) a particularly famous witness shows up; c.) somebody from

the home team dies; d.) they speculate what if Slobo dies from his “dangerously high” blood pressure;

e.) someone huffs that Slobo’s defense is in danger of “dragging on:’ f.) a guilt-by-assoNIKE

SHOXtion comparison can be made with the upcoming trial of Saddam, i.e., what one evil man can learn

from another.

It thus comes as no surprise that the mass media has been pretty much MIA since Milosevic’s defense

started. He has by and large eviscerated his opponents, destroyed the credibility of the prosecution’s

witness testimony, and so on.

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