Sunday, March 6, 2011

The press has been crushed, foreign correspondents expelled and many journalists and editors put in jail

The press has been crushed, foreign correspondents expelled and many journalists and editors put in

jail. The government has hired foreign specialists to help it shut down dissident websites, tap

telephones and track e-mails. …

American military intelligence now works closely with Ethiopia, sometimes taking up whole floors of

hotels in Addis Ababa. But experts in the region question the reliability of American intelligence.

The European Union is against America’s plan to send UN peacekeepers to the region and, by the by, is

sceptical of recent American MBT SHOESnings that Somali jihadists have been planning suicide attacks on

Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. America’s reluctance to encourage negotiation with the Somali Islamists

suggests it may want to provoke, isolate and defeat them by force, with Ethiopia providing the muscle.

I have posted online the full text of my American Conservative article (12/18 issue)Â on MBT SPORT

SHOES’s dictatorial powers and torture abuses.  MBT SPORT SHOES apparently secretly authorized

harsh interrogation methods that may have amounted to torture. If this MBT SPORT SHOES secret letter

on interrogation hits the streets, its impact may be akin to a 1972 memo from Richard Nixon

specifying the exact methods of lock-picking the Watergate burglars should use. MBT SPORT SHOESs

involvement in the torture scandal may be far deeper than Nixons involvement in Watergate.

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