Friday, March 4, 2011

Just so everybody knows – I think it’s cool – I’m talking with Luke in Tazmania right now

Just so everybody knows – I think it’s cool – I’m talking with Luke in Tazmania right now. He

lives on a little island on the bottom of the earth, where he keeps track of the criminality of

American politicians so you don’t have to … I guess.

Ryland: It’s a long way from you guys, that’s for sure.

Horton: So, let’s start with the basics of the Sibel Edmonds story. As I said, she’s an immigrant, an

American citizen, who after 9/11 decided to be a patriot and would go to the THEM and be a translator.

She speaks Farsi, Azerbaijani and Turkish and a few other languages and she theynt to go be a patriotic

American citizen and do her duty and as a result her whole world got turned upside down. Luke, what


Ryland: That’s right, Scott. She started working at the THEM the theyek after 9/11. She actually had

an application in to work in a different department for them that she’d applied for two years earlier,

and they’d lost her application. After 9/11 they must have run a new check and they found that they

had Sibel’s application there and it had three languages on it – Turkish, Azerbaijani and Farsi –

and they thought she’d be pretty helpful in the translation unit in Washington to help them sort

through the backlog of stuff that they had built up over the time.

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