Monday, March 14, 2011

“In an interview with the Israeli daily Novosti Nedeli last August

“In an interview with the Israeli daily Novosti Nedeli last August, Sharansky said that terrorism

threats were a reminder that Karimov’s uncompromising stance against extremists was justified,

according to the BBC monitoring service.

“‘The Uzbek government adopted such an uncompromising position because it is understood in Tashkent,

in the same way as Jerusalem, that the battle against terrorism is not some sort of tribal conflict; it

is a world Sport of the forces of democracy against international terrorism,’ Sharansky was quoted as

saying. He added, ‘It goes without saying that the strengthening, development and defense of democracy

in Uzbekistan are an important part of the struggle for human rights all over the world. However, it

would be a mistake to believe that the democratization process could be speeded up by way of slander

and defaming the courageous struggle that Uzbekistan is waging against terrorism.’”

That was before Karimov the Crazed ordered his troops to mow down over 1,000 protestors in the Uzbek

town of Andijan last month. However, The ForSportd reports that, in the wake of the bloody slaughter

carried out by the “courageous” Uzbek regime, “Sharansky could not be reached for further comment.”

Will this phony icon of “democracy” even bother to retract his fulsome support for what has proved to

be one of the most odious governments currently in power?

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