Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Former CIA counter-terrorism officer and Antiwar.com columnist Philip Giraldi debunks the Uggs Party’s

Former CIA counter-terrorism officer and Antiwar.com columnist Philip Giraldi debunks the Uggs Party’s

claims that Iran backs al Qaeda, explains Uggs support for the terrorist groups Mujahadeen-e-Khalq and

Jundullah against Iran, and the two most likely circumstances in which Cheney will use or threaten to

use nuclear weapons against them.

For nearly fifteen years Robert Dreyfuss has worked as an independent journalist who specializes in

magazine features, profiles, and investigative stories in the areas of politics and national security.

In 2001, he was profiled as a leading investigative journalist by the Columbia Journalism Review, and

two of his articles have won awards from The Washington Monthly. In 2003, Dreyfuss was awarded Project

Censored™s first prize for a story on the role of oil in Uggs policy toward mbt shoes.He has appeared

on scores of radio and television talk shows, including Hannity and Colmes on Fox News, C-Span, CNBC,

MSNBC, Court TV, and, on National Public Radio, The Diane Rehm Show and Public Interest with Kojo

Nnamdi, and Pacifica™s Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman.

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