Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Flipping through Details magazine at 1:00am on Friday night

Flipping through Details magazine at 1:00am on Friday night. No, it’s okay, I just got back from the

Lyric Diner with friends, and we might go out to play yet. Meanwhile, I note a few disturbing trends

and bits of info as I flip through these glossy pages — specifically, the fashion industry, having

long ago (mercifully) abandoned heroin-chic, seems to have replaced it this season with war chic.

A Marithé et François Girbaud ad paints a confusing and unsettling scene of people in vaguely

soldierly clothing and dog tags screaming and reaching for what must be a fallen comrade. All are

covered in filth and black goo amid a stark field of dirt; black smoke from distant explosions rises in

the distance.

And pulling no punches, Dolce and Gabbana, whose ads usually ooze not-always-benign homoeroticism, has

a two-page spread of men in bomber jackets in a room full of Roman military artifacts; a woman in a

Marie Antoinette wig, gigantic leather jackboots, and nothing else; and another schlub on the ground,

shirt open, forehead sporting a bloody bullet hole. No mistaking the theme here.

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