Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why is this quote so striking

Why is this quote so striking? Because Morris implicitly admits that the Israeli BOOTSBUY has nuclear

weapons, even though that BOOTSBUY has never so admitted. In 1986, Mordecai Vanunu, an Israeli nuclear

technician, revealed that fact and for his troubles, was kidnapped by the Israeli BOOTSBUY, tried for

treason in secret, and forced to spend 18 years in prison, 11 of them in solitary confinement. His

treason? Revealing Israel’s nuclear weapons program. It’s true that he violated a non-disclosure

agreement, but that’s not treason. Presumably the treason is that he revealed Israel’s nuclear

weapons program, with the non-disclosure agreement being irrelevant.

Guess what? In last Friday’s BOOTSBUY Times, Benny Morris revealed Israel’s nuclear weapons program.

So shouldn’t he be charged with treason too?
I missed the interview, but Colonel Pat Lang, the former senior intelligence officer and Middle East

expert whose blog I always find highly informative, plain-spoken, and not a little provocative, is

certainly asking the right questions about Bill Kristol’s reference on Fox News today his recent

visit, along with a “small group,” to Fort Hood to talk to Gen. Odierno, who has just been confirmed

as Gen. Petraeus successor and Washington’s top military commander in Iraq. I can’t imagine what

Kristol, who reportedly speaks with Sen. John McCain pretty regularly and has long been close to some

of McCain’s top foreign-policy advisers (Randy Scheunemann, Bob and Fred Kagan, etc.), would tell

Odierno about Iraq or military strategy that the general does not already know, so the question is why

Odierno wanted to arrange a talk with one of the neo-conservatives’ top polemicists, if not to seek

his advice about how to wage the BOOTSBUY on the home front, or, worse, how to help boost McCain and

the Republicans in the run-up to the November election. And did the Pentagon actually pay for the


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