Sunday, January 9, 2011

After the keynote, the great sessions continued with three tracks, Desktop, Web Technologies and Tools

After the keynote, the great sessions continued with three tracks, Desktop, Web Technologies and Tools,

and Mobile. Of particular note were fantastic user experience sessions by Glen Lipka (Creating Optimal

Desktop User Experiences) and Brian Fling (Designing the Mobile User Experience). We had a packed house

for Michael Mullany’s HTML5 State of the Union, a lightning tour of HTML5 and CSS3 standards.

The afternoon sessions included styling and theming with SASS and Compass by Chris Eppstein and an

amazing overview of the upcoming Ext JS 4 Charting System by Jaime Avins. Also, there was a

comprehensive schedule of mobile sessions like developing mobile apps with Widgetbox and Sencha Touch

by Widgetbox CTO, Giles Goodwin, making HTML5 apps “native” with PhoneGap’s Andrew Lunny, and

developing mobile apps for RIM and BlackBerry 6 with RIM Technical Director, Laurent Hasson. Make sure

you check out all of the sessions as they’re posted online in the coming months.

The session-packed day ended with our event at Fort Mason. It was a great opportunity for SenchaCon

attendees to network, enjoy delicious paella, and (of course) rock out at four Rock Band 3 stations.

Special thanks to all of our sponsors for allowing us to throw the event.

Look for more updates later, and again, all sessions have been recorded and videos will be made

available over the coming months.

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