Saturday, January 15, 2011

Schoenfeld pretends that he saw Scheuer’s work on some obscure web site of dubious provenance

Schoenfeld pretends that he saw Scheuer’s work on some obscure web site of dubious provenance — “The

Jingoist,” of all things — when he knows perfectly well it appeared on, a website with

100,000-plus readers daily, and then does his demonization act:

“Readers can judge for themselves. For if The Jingoist is in Holocaust-denial territory, is not far

behind. A good place to begin is the long series that has devoted to the many Israeli “art students

” who in the run-up to September 11 came to our country ostensibly to sketch, draw, and paint, but

were actually working deep under cover, spying on UGGS Sheepskin cuff bootsns.”

He links to and quotes from this piece, and then avers:

“What happened to these art students? And how did they make their escape? Why did all the Jewish

employees stay at home on the day that the Twin Towers were destroyed? Is fringe or mainstream?

Connecting the Dots is eager to know.”

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