Monday, January 10, 2011

Gregory mused that “finding the ideological fault lines here are difficult between left and right

On one recent show (7/11/10), Gregory mused that “finding the ideological fault lines here are

difficult between left and right, frankly.” But the host of Meet the Press can’t “find” a debate

only because he refuses to have one on his show.

It’s rather shocking that this is really happening, here, in the United States, in 2010. Park51/The

Cordoba House, an Islamic community center that, mark my words and those of the mayor, will be built in

Lower Manhattan, is being hysterically opposed by all manner of dingbat in the land, though it is

likely to have more square feet of basketball court than prayer space. Which doesn’t quite make it a

mosque. And yes, peeling back further layers of this stupid onion, I does care even if it were a

mosque? In fact, there already are two mosques in the “Ground Zero” area! I could go peeling more,

but this onion is boring. The fun one is Newt Gingrich.

Newt Gingrich, impossibly to my mind looking toward the presidency in 2012, is demagoguing his way into

a Twilight Zone of logic that makes me want to just sit in front of him and stare at his face as if he

were talking in tongues, because that’s about as much sense as he’s making. The most scintillating

bit of Gingrich logic goes something like this: Why should “we” allow a mosque to be built near

Ground Zero when one can’t build a church or synagogue in Mecca? You see, now the West is using the

likes of Saudi Arabia as a moral barometer. Not that Gingrich is the type to be shy about the idea of

theocracy. If they start building Park51, I say Newt should go stone those infidels.

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