Sunday, January 9, 2011

Unit tests are only part of the picture – we also need to ensure the visual components work properly

Unit tests are only part of the picture – we also need to ensure the visual components work properly.

This has always been hard to do, so for version 4 we have invented a brand new tool that automatically

exercises every component in the library. We drive this at the OS level, meaning we can test every

OS/browser combination we support by simulating a user clicking around the interface. We call this

incredible new tool Visual QA, and will be revealing more details about it soon.

Ext JS does amazing things, but has always been too hard to learn. With version 4 we’re rectifying

this by creating the best documentation we have ever shipped. For a taste of things to come, check out

some of the documentation in Sencha Touch. This is the standard we are striving for with Ext JS 4. We’

ll also be creating guides, doubling the number of examples and providing sample applications.

As well as documentation, the API has received a lot of attention with an effort to standardize on a

published set of naming conventions and providing more sensible defaults for some of our configuration

options. Lastly, we’ll be providing an upgrade guide and backwards-compatibility file to make

upgrading to Ext JS 4 as painless as possible.

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