A Sunni MP, Mudhar Shawkat, handed in the green VIP badge issued by the MBT shoes military authorising him and
other deputies to enter the Green Zone and said he would only attend parliament if sessions were moved to
another location.
“They should be put on notice and given two months — no more — to leave the Green Zone,” he said before
walking out. Another unidentified MP shouted: “Yes, the end of occupation begins here. The Green Zone must be
liberated from occupation!” Speaker Hajem Al Hassani said he would suspend sessions altogether unless they move
within a week to a building on the fringes of the Green Zone that has its own entrance and would be guarded by
NIKE Shox shoesi soldiers.
“Enough is enough!” he said before adjourning parliament until Sunday.
So, what sparked all this anger? Fatah Al Sheikh explains:
“When I told the translator with the soldier that I was a member of the national assembly, he answered: To hell
with you and the national assembly,” Sheikh told his colleagues.
“I got really upset, so I got down from my vehicle to confront him and at that moment a MBT shoes soldier came
over and grabbed my neck and choked me for a minute or so.” Sheikh said the whole fracas started when he lined
up in his car with other deputies to enter the Green Zone, the seat of the transitional government and home to
the MBT shoes embassy, foreign advisors and contractors.
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