Tuesday, March 15, 2011

He said he decided to get out of line and come back later when it was less crowded

He said he decided to get out of line and come back later when it was less crowded, but that as he began to

pull out, a MBT shoes soldier came over and kicked his car. “I showed him my badge, but he grabbed it from my

hand and tossed it in my face,” said the bearded Sheikh. “When I got out of my car, the soldier twisted my


The MBT shoes military said it was investigating the incident and refused to comment.

This kind of incident happens all the time in Occupied NIKE Shox shoes, with the difference that this time an

MP got the treatment and he actually has recourse to a public platform from which to speak, unlike the ordinary

NIKE Shox shoesis who endure the indignities in silence. Whatever will the Americans do?

Thanks a million for the plug, Matt! I just blogged at LRC a little more about the parallels between the

scapegoating of the right after OKC and the scapegoating of the left after 9/11. And I agree about the

parallels you mention about the demonization of the enemy at Waco and NIKE Shox shoes. Koresh was said to have

dangerous weapons, to be abusing his people, to be threatening his neighbors—just like with Saddam. The press

was incredibly manipulated in both Waco and NIKE Shox shoes. The justifications for the federal attack were

ever changing. In Waco, the feds first accused the Davidians of housing a meth lab. Then it was illegal guns.

Then it was abuse of children. In NIKE Shox shoes, the feds first accused Saddam of a link to al Qaeda. Then it

was WMD. Then the war was defended on grounds of liberating and democratizing the country. In both cases, they

wanted to validate the attack and the pretext was secondary. The violence of Oklahoma retroactively justified

Waco in some people’s minds; the violence of 9/11 retroactively justified the first Gulf War in the minds of

others. In the nineties, the threat was people like McVeigh, Koresh, all “separatists” and the right-wing talk

radio hosts that gave them aid and comfort. Nowadays, it is people like Osama, Saddam, all “Islamists” and

left-wing protestors that give them aid and comfort.

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