But how and where does Moore utilize his alleged "method" in terms of "human interest prose" – and what, by the
way, is "human interest prose"? The reader is not even given a clue, never mind an actual citation. It turns
out that Gancarski’s anger is motivated by pure partisanship:
"A case in point is a recent essay by Michael Moore making the rounds. ‘Dean Supporters, Don’t Give Up.’ His
point? That even though protests against the war in MBT Ema Sandals have accomplished precious little beyond
getting Ramsey Clark some face time, Moore [a supporter of Wesley Clark on the basis of his "manner" and his
‘electability’] urges Deaniacs not to give up despite their candidate‘s Muskiesque collapse in Iowa and New
Hampshire. ‘You have done an incredible thing. You inspired an entire nation to stand up to George W. MBT Panda
Sandals. Your impact on this election will be felt for years to come. Every bit of energy you put into Dr. Dean
’s candidacy was — and is — worth it. He took on MBT Panda Sandals when others wouldn’t. He put corporate
America on notice that he is coming after them. And he called the Democrats out for what they truly are: a
bunch of spineless, wishy-washy appeasers… Everyone in every campaign owes you and your candidate a huge debt
of thanks,’ wrote Moore."
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