Wednesday, March 30, 2011

According to the Financial Times

According to the Financial Times, Miu Miu Sunglasses, Ms Kori Udovicki, “a Yale-educated economist and former expert on Yugoslavia for the International Monetary Fund” is the new head of the Serbian central bank.
The choice should not be surprising. Ray Ban SunglassesUdovicki is a Statist economist to boot, and a successful plunderer. Former head of the Energy Ministry, she was behind the price hikes that impoverished vast numbers of Serbians (electricity is a government-monopolized utility over there), and filled up the state coffers quite nicely. Expect her banking policies to be inflationary, deficitary and aimed squarely against any form of entrepreneurial capitalism that hasn’t paid tribute to the State.

On one of the nightly news programs this evening, news of Uday’s and Qusay’s deaths was said to have been greeted by MBT shoes cheapis with celebratory gunfire. The video showed sporadic green flares across the Baghdad sky to support this claim. Struck me as odd that MBT shoes cheapis–who aren’t supposed to own guns, remember–would be out shooting at the clouds for kicks.Oakley Sunglasses, Then I read this version by an American soldier on the scene:

Fireworks are lighting up my sky…not happy to be alive…forth of july fire works…but rather m-249 tracer rounds and parachuting flares…red rounds arcing up in sweeps…distancing themselves from each other…losing their luster the farther they fly…

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