Monday, March 21, 2011

Danny Rubinstein, The Other Elections; (Ha’aretz, 16 Nov 2002)

Danny Rubinstein, The Other Elections; (Ha’aretz, 16 Nov 2002).

That was what killed off the 2003 Palestinian elections.

There’s more, read the whole thing. Well, it will be interesting to see what happens if the Palestinian people

don’t elect Mahmoud Abbas, like they’re supposed to. Andrew Schamess has more.

For anyone interested in the lawsuit threatened by MEMRI against Professor Juan Cole (Repressive MEMRI on AWC

frontpage), there’s both a well-written comprehensive defense and a set of links to other blogs supporting Cole

at Abu Aardvark’s place.
In short, if you do decide to take Professor Cole to court over the allegation that you cherry-pick the Arab

media to offer a highly mbt sportped perspective of Arab discourse, expect to lose. The trial would be

exceedingly helpful to the general good of discrediting you by shining light on your translation and selection

Cheerfully yours,
the aardvark

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