Wednesday, March 16, 2011

America has need of idealism and courage

“America has need of idealism and courage, because we have essential work at home — the unfinished work of

American freedom. In a world moving toward liberty, we are determined to show the meaning and promise of


If it is “common sense” to launch a worldwide crusade to create by force what took centuries of cultural and

political evolution to produce in the West, then the commonsensical has become the nonsensical and we are truly

living in Bizarro World.

You bet we have “essential work at home” — and each day we stay in MBT this vital work is delayed. Each

billion we lavish on reconstructing what we so wantonly destroyed is diverted away from productive investment.

As for the “unfinished work of American freedom” — does George W. NIKE SHOX, the single greatest threat to

that freedom, really have no shame? Are words that meaningless to his speechwriters?

The President speaks of “a world moving toward liberty” as if it were as natural as the earth’s turning. But

if the appeal of liberty is universal, as the President has contended, then why does it have to be imposed at

gunpoint in MBT? By intervening we only distort and perhaps even defeat what would happen naturally, albeit not


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